Monday, December 10, 2007

Bored at work with nothing to do...

Tulsa is a frozen tundra; my house has no power; my office does. So obviously, I am at work. Flip side of that is that there is nothing to do, because no one else is working. So I get to blog all day. Every time I think about leaving, I see another sheet of ice fall off the building across the street from me. That is not a risk I am willing to take. That is just a headline waiting to happen.

Marriage is awesome, but it changes things...
  • bar conversations - I walked into the strangest conversation between Matt and one of his good friends, who is married with a kid. They used to be hippy friends together and talk about bands and camping and sports. They were talking about financial planning and retirement funds and college funds etc. Later Matt told me "that was the final moment when I realized I am REALLY married and so are my friends. We are adults who talk about those things." Neither of us ever thought we would be grown ups one day.
  • getting hit on - When you are single and getting hit on all the time (at least thats what it seems like it used to be) it was really annoying and creepy. Once you get a ring, it is like this shield that makes you invincible to every male in the room - except for EXTREME creepy creepersons. But even when you get hit on by the creepiest guy in the room, it is exciting because SOMEONE hit on you and it wasn't your husband! That means you are still hot!
  • girls are skanky whores - the second guys put on a wedding ring, they immediately become irresistibly hot to skank whores. I mean it, Matt has been blatantly hit on with me sitting next to him. Turns out, this happens to alot of Matt's friends and is pretty common. WTF?! I don't understand it. If anyone figures it out, catch me up.
  • Privacy and TMI are a thing of the past. I will not explain further; use your imagination.
  • When you are single and dating, you want grand gestures from guys to prove their interest. Marriage is all about the little things. For example, this weekend we went to lunch and decided to get cobbler to go for later. I got up to go to the bathroom and told Matt to go ahead and order it. He asked what kind I wanted (I like blackberry, he likes peach). I said "I think we got blackberry last time; I'm fine with peach this time." When I got it out to eat later, it was blackberry :)
  • Kids - before you were praying that you didn't get pregnant and how horrible it would be to tell your family (especially your dad) and friends that you are pregnant. I don't care what century it is - we are still going to talk about it if you get pregnant before you are married. Now that we are married, people expect you to have kids. Realizing this was my first big "so we are really married" moment. I realized that instead of my mom going "Oh Rachel..." she would pee her pants with excitement. I'm not going to lie, it is still going to be strange telling our families that we are pregnant (yes, it's a "we" situation). What says "Hey family, we are doing it ALOT" more than "we're having a kid"?!
  • Two incomes - this rocks!
There are SO many other things it changes... I will keep you posted as I figure them out. I am going to go home and keep my dogs company.


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Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!