Monday, December 10, 2007

Take THAT "cool people"

Matt and I used to be cool. We were cool before we started dating, we were cool when we were dating, we were even cool when we were engaged. We jumped into being old and married with both feet. Don't get me wrong, we go out. We still go out and drink and have a good time and mingle. We just dont do it as frequently or as strong as we used to. For instance... A few weekends ago I told Matt and Blaze "I want to get shit faced!" So I did. I wasn't the drunkest I have ever been by any means. This is where being old comes in. I started throwing up around 6 am and didnt fully recover until about 3 in the afternoon.
This weekend was different. A friend from work had an ugly Christmas Sweater party - in Claremore (who lives in Claremore and WHY?!). So we went. Matt, the awesome husband that he is, stayed sober so I could drink and mingle with my work friends. So I did. Then Matt's friends called from McNellies around 11. So we went there. (yes, we did in fact wear our ugly Christmas sweaters to the bar - proudly) I am happy to report that we closed a bar. We were so proud of ourselves. We even slept in bed until 1 in the afternoon. I dont remember the last time I did that! Mind you, it was NOT because we were hung over - we weren't. The power was out, so what else were we supposed to do? Besides, we are too cool for hangovers :)

So take that "cool people"! We are married, we go out, we close bars, we sleep till noon! We are cool again! Until next weekend atleast.

Side note for all those people who think that being married will hurt your partying and going out: it really makes it better. Case in point: When you are single and drunk and home alone and get hungry when you are already in bed, what do you do? You lay there miserably wishing you could pass out so you stop thinking about it. When you are married, there is someone who will make you a turkey and cheese sandwich when you are drunk and spiny.

1 comment:

Jax said...

haha! Niiiiice.. I think the people who were always kinda sucky in coupledom just get worse when they get married. I dont think you're one of those couples...therefore you're still cool. Just sayin. ;) And.. I dont even close down bars anymore, so you get points. :)

Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!