Monday, December 29, 2008

Alot Has Happened

Since I am back to blogging, it is safe to assume that Matt and I did not stay in Mexico, however it was touch and go for a while. Here is a recap of my "vacation".

1 - stomach virus on the drive to Mobile via Memphis resulting in
1 - drug induced coma
1 - bag of "dressy" clothes left hanging in closet in Tulsa
2 - hours of waiting in traffic before even getting to the place to board boat
0 - times I got sea sick. Bethany is amazing and so is ginger root. Take her advice and take it!
3 - days the wind and waves made the halls of the ship seem like a pinball game.
652 - number of people under the age of 16 on the boat (there were only 1800 people total!)
1 - possible broken toe (poor matt! atleast it was the last day off the boat and not the 1st!)
9 - hours we spent on the boat past what we were scheduled to. Fog apparently makes it hard to drive and park a boat.
56 - hours spent pulling up carpet, finding a plumber, and cleaning out the utility room and garage after a pipe burst in the house while we were on the cruise.
Countless - time I have spent thanking my lucky stars nothing serious happened and that I have great friends and family who will help when the going gets tough.

Lessons learned - Matt and I are not cruise people; we may try again by ourselves or with friends, but that is a long time coming. I am over family vacations. When you go out of town for over a week, get a house sitter. Always think positive. It can (and frequently does) get worse. I decided that this was just a preemptive kick in our pants to get started on our New Years Resolutions to work on the house and clean out the garage. I also donated a large car load of stuff to Goodwill for a little boost in the karma department.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I am glad the ginger root worked...sorry about everything else. Welcome Home

Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!