Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sea Kittens

Let me begin this by stating the fact that I am against animal abuse and am for animal rescue, after all, the best dog in the world, Lola, was a rescue dog. But I have to say, PETA is out of control. I didn't mind when they protested fur, I don't mind that they suggest alternatives to meat and animal products. I even laughed at the Pamela Anderson campaign - you know the one I am talking about. But now I realize that PETA is out of control and I no longer recognize them as a serious organization. Heres why...
They, in all seriousness, are attempting to rebrand fish, from what I can tell, as an entire species, as Sea Kittens. (there is a dirty joke in there somewhere, but I havnet found it yet.) SEA KITTENS!!! They think if people call them kittens, they wont eat them. I wish I could come up with something this ridiculous. What this really makes me wonder is what names did they throw around and out before they just came up with Sea Kittens. And why fish? Why not chickens? Why not cows? Or are they next?
The other thing that PETA has done recently that made me say "nope, no more, you now cease to exist as an organization in my head" is write a letter to Ben and Jerry. You know Ben and Jerry, they make some delicious ice cream (one which was called PHISH food - I'm getting closer to a joke, I know it!). They asked Ben and Jerry to stop being cruel to the cows and quit using their milk. The alternative they suggested was mother's milk - as in YOUR mother's milk. So instead of hooking up cows to the milk machines, they are going to hook up nursing moms? They don't think that is a little cruel!?
I am now suggesting that PETA is no longer a serious organization. Their existing budget should be eliminated and go to feeding and clothing needy kids somewhere, their members laughed at, and their employees strapped into a milking machine.

Just in case you don't believe me:
Sea Kittens
Ben and Jerry's newest flavor


Bethany said...

i heard about the boob milk ice cream and wondered how much they were going to pay the women! I might be willing to donate some milk...YUCK

Next time I have some fish I will check to see if it meows at me.

Duane Fernandez said...

Sorry.. I'm a child.

Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!