Friday, January 9, 2009

What I thought about this morning...

1) Damn its good to be a Florida Gator. I did puke a little when I said that, but it had to be done. Florida is probably one of my least favorite SEC teams, but they are an SEC team none the less. And OU fans are SUPER obnoxious! So yeah, its good to be a Florida Gator.

2) I love the facebook status change based on how the game is going. The most telling, and most true, was my boss's "I am not sure who is more holy, Obama or Tebow." It is a very valid question.

3) Biggest Loser is frustrating me. Spoiler Alert if you aren't caught up. They kicked almost half the contestants off! This is the biggest season yet - I'm talking almost 500 pound people - they need to be there the most, and you kick them off the 1st episode?! I am starting to wonder if the show is really in it to help people and not just sell gum, Brita water filters, and 100 calorie packs.

4) Damages is back. Very excited. I didn't get to watch the premiere because I was watching the game. Why would you schedule your premiere the same night as the national championship game? Stupid. People should really think before they act, or atleast consult with me first.

5) We are going to Fayetteville this weekend. I gave Matt basketball tickets for his birthday. It should be fun, considering they look like they are actually good this year. And I am doing some scouting for UK. Joppy, I don't care if it gets awkward between us, I need Pelfrey working for UK where he belongs!

6) Matt and I are going to have to buy a new car soon. I am really dreading it. Any recommendations? I saw the Ford Flex last night and for some reason I kinda want it. But I think we will buy used, not new. How are we this old and never bought a car?! Help?

7) My new hair stylist and I talked about going to grad school and what I could do to earn extra money and she opened my eyes. Car Dealer. I know what you are thinking: I quit ad sales because I felt like a used car salesman; the economy is in the crapper and getting worse; I am nervous about buying a car, how am I supposed to sell them? Well lets look at the facts. I would only be doing it part time for extra cash, not for a real living. I love to haggle and strangely, really like cars when I am around them alot. I don't like car shopping, so I would put others at ease - no high pressure sales here. I am not your typical sales man :) Thoughts?

8) I ate McDonald's for breakfast this week, and I hadn't done that in a VERY long time... now I want it every day. I think they might put crack in it.

Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!