Monday, January 12, 2009

Something to get you over a case of the Mondays

So one of my clients sent me a link to review a viral campaign. Ok, those can sometimes be interesting. On the blog, they had this video posted. It is long, but so worth it. Watch it and we will discuss...

For a big guy, he can really dance! My friends are pretty cool, but I am not sure any of them are dance montage cool! Please, someone prove me wrong!


Bethany said...

He seems way more into it than her...

Jessie Case said...

hilarious...i agree he has good moves.

Meet Rachel Adams

I started my blog because I am convinced that I should have my own television show. Once I point this out to other people, they think it is a great idea. I feel a show about me would be MUCH more entertaining than a large portion of what is on TV now. So, until Bravo or Mojo calls to ask to tape my life, I will keep up my blog to entertain myself and my public. Feel free to post any questions or thoughts you would like me to address.

Enjoy the show!